55 48 3025.5100
Your Best Choice of Small Intestine Capsule Endoscopy
Powered by Artificial Intelligence – AI, Smarter Than Ever
With our advanced AI algorithms, Vue Smart sits on the new technological frontier of redundancy exclusion, lesion detection and classification that ensure easier interpretation than ever before as well as improved clinical outcomes.
Using proprietary algorithms, SmartScan processes raw files, excluding up to 90% of redundancy, identifying and marking up to 16 types of abnormalities. After Smartscaning, SmartView and SmartFinding are ready to use.
SmartView's reading mode will only play back the images captured by Smartscan, helping users to quickly navigate through the entire video. Highlighted marks above the time bar show images that can be displayed as a short video
By capturing the most prominent features of selected images with predictable results, SmartFinding helps clinicians by displaying abnormalities and suggesting descriptions. Images are displayed as page views.
Pushing the limits of capsule hardware, our new OMOM HD delivers superior image quality thanks to our new optical technology. With clearer details of high resolution images, ultra wide angle view, SpeedSense technology and longer battery life, OMOM HD ushers in the era of simple yet reliable diagnostics.